Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I survive Sinking of the titanic, book blog

As I was reading the I survive sinking of titanic by Lauren tarshis I see that George Calder and his little sister went on titanic with there aunt as they were crossing the ocean they were having a lot of fun exploring the ship finding a lot of new things in the ship. One day George was in the lower part of the ship when he hears something like crash this a qoute from the book "I was terrified I heard the water coming in as I saw the water coming I new I was in danger" this qout is trying to say that he had a chance of dyeing he was in danger he was really scared. Soon the water was raising and people were really getting scared they were all just having fun a lot of people said there's no way this ship could see it's the worlds biggest ship. He was trying to find his family members he just a lot of people perinoid. This book is a good book it was really interesting when I read it I know it's not based in a true story but I just imagine what the people that survived went threw. I recommend this to the people that are curious about ships and titanic.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome bro, I never read the Titanic book but I have watched the movie. Maybe I will read the book sometime!
